A Better Smarter Place to Live

Key features of this area of the programme have included new high quality housing developments, environmental improvements across the area and neighbourhood management projects including the creation of the community wardens and the Clean Team.

Homes, shops and the environment

Three major new housing schemes have been created in the area with the help of two Housing Focus and Issues Groups - one for Edge Hill and one for Holt Road. These groups – mainly consisting of community representatives – have played a key role in ensuring that the new housing meets the specific needs of local residents.

Neighbourhood management

Kensington Regeneration has also supported local efforts to tackle litter, rubbish, fly tipping, grotspots, vandalism and graffiti. Local people have set the agenda for this work via the Neighbourhood Services Task Group which includes two resident representatives from each of Kensington’s five areas.

  1. Community & Quality of Life A major drive to improve community safety, health and community involvement in Kensington read more
  2. A Better Smarter Place to Live Projects to create new housing, upgrade retail facilities and improve the local environment read more
  3. A Place To Learn Work & Do Business Education and training projects and initiatives to help Kensington residents back into work read more